We believe that as a travel company we have a moral obligation and responsibility to you, our clients and the planet to do better.

Born from a time when the world was at its most challenged and unhealthy, we recognise that we are experiencing a climate emergency. It’s imperative that we take action towards reducing our impact as well as giving back, because we firmly believe that travel can be a force for good and has the power to change lives. This is why we’ve taken a holistic approach to responsible travel, looking at our impact environmentally, socially and economically to create a series of commitments across these three pillars and align our impact with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals that sit closest to our heart.

We’re on a journey to become
net zero by 2035

Carbon is the elephant in the travel room and we want to address it. As a new travel company, our aim is to start our journey as we mean to go on – with complete transparency. This means measuring and reporting on all our emissions; firstly we will try to reduce them as much as possible and then for any emissions which are unavoidable, we are investing in certified carbon offsetting projects that either prevent emissions elsewhere or remove carbon out of the air. 

We’ve partnered with ecollective to help us measure and develop an accurate and realistic carbon reduction management plan to reduce our carbon footprint annually in line with the agreed level by the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). We’re just at the start of our journey but we are committed to measuring and reducing the entire carbon footprint of our business every year till we get to zero. We pledge to hold ourselves accountable and will publish our results annually in our Climate & Community Impact report.

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The power of positive travel

When done right, travel can play an important and positive role in supporting people, the planet and wildlife. Whether it’s visiting a rural or tourism-reliant destination which can help provide employment to locals and keep traditions alive, to safeguarding our favourite natural ecosystems through thoughtful tourism to places like Kenya, Costa Rica, and Chile which can support pioneering conservation efforts.

We want to harness the power of travel to give back which is why we’ve created our Positive Future Fund. For every holiday you book with us, we will donate £50 per person which will go towards supporting projects that advance our mission to lift the lives of future generations. 

From our ethos of staying longer and travelling less often, to our target to be net zero and our Positive Future Fund, we are committed to working hard everyday to redesign travel so we can be part of the solution – not the problem.

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SevenTravel has proudly joined Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency, a global industry initiative that supports travel businesses, organisations and individuals in raising awareness of climate change and taking purposeful action to reduce their carbon emissions.

We acknowledge that we are experiencing a climate emergency and we stand with other travel businesses to demonstrate our commitment and understanding of climate change and the impact travel has. As we learn more about reducing our climate impact we will look to share our solution with our partners and industry peers to encourage others to make positive changes.

Carbon offsetting

For all emissions that we cannot avoid or reduce we will offset. We will offset through a variety of different certified schemes in order to maximise our impact. This will likely be a mixture of Gold Standard carbon offsets as well as carbon removal schemes such as tree planting. Each year we will re-evaluate who we work with in order to make sure we are having the biggest positive impact possible. We will share details on our offsetting efforts in our Climate & Community Impact report. Ahead of our first report if you would like to know more on the projects we support you can email [email protected]

Our Positive Future Fund


Every time you travel with us, we will donate £50 per person into our Positive Future Fund which is shared between our chosen charities that support education, employment and conservation. 

Go Beyond

Go Beyond provides residential and day breaks for children aged 8-15 years at centres in Cornwall and Derbyshire. Their vision is to inspire all the young people they meet to go beyond anything that stands between them and their brightest future. Referrals are made by teachers, social workers or care professionals who identify children living in difficult or challenging circumstances. All children should be able to thrive - whatever their home circumstances. No child should be defined by inequality, tragedy or instability.

Social Ventures

Upaya fights extreme poverty in India from the ground up by building scalable businesses, dignified jobs, and long-term prosperity in the world’s most vulnerable communities. Their vision is for every person to have the opportunity to earn a dignified living and pursue their dreams. Through their investments and accelerator program, they help entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs that lift families out of extreme poverty.

Project Rhino

Project Rhino is an NGO of leading conservation agencies, state, private and community game reserves, rhino owners and anti-poaching specialists in South Africa working together with a common aim to conserve and protect rhinos from wildlife crime (rhinoceroses are a target for highly-organised poaching rings, fuelled largely by an ongoing and unfounded demand by traditional eastern medicines). Taking a holistic approach to conservation there are four tiers at Project Rhino: co-ordination unit, ranger reserve support, wild youth & leadership development & supporting a wild economy.

UN sustainable development goals


We are proud supporters of four out of the 17 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Each goal has been carefully selected based on the causes we care most about at SevenTravel and feel that we can genuinely impact positively. 

Life on land

The goal is to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

We are working with Project Rhino to conserve and protect rhinos from wildlife crime so that they can continue to play their vital role in Africa’s beautiful ecosystem. Project Rhino is collectively responsible for the second-largest rhino population in Africa and the most genetically diverse white rhino population in the world.

Quality education

The goal is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Thanks to our partnership with Go Beyond, we have the opportunity to support children who have suffered serious neglect, and give them the opportunity to have a once-in-a-lifetime holiday. On this holiday they learn new life skills, develop their confidence, make friends as well as learn about nature and food health.

Also through our partnership with Upaya, as more people secure employment, this will significantly reduce the pressure and need for their children to leave school to help support the family. Giving their children an equal opportunity to stay in school and learn, supporting their futures. 

Decent work & economic growth

The goal is to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

We fight extreme poverty in India with dignified jobs through our partnership with Upaya. Through their work to support entrepreneurs in building sustainable businesses that can employ those in the poorest communities, Upaya helps to create long-lasting jobs that can pull families out of poverty.

It’s important to also mention that SevenTravel and all our partners adhere to our contract which requires them to comply with all applicable anti-slavery and human trafficking laws and regulations including but not limited to the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and require that each of their subcontractors and suppliers shall comply too.

Climate action

The goal is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. 

Our plan here is simple, each year we will measure and reduce our carbon emissions. For all the unavoidable emissions we will offset through high quality offset providers. We will do this every year and encourage our suppliers to do the same.

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